Steven Hinkley is the elected Sheriff for Calhoun County, prioritizing reducing crime, community partnerships, law enforcement agency collaboration, and increasing the quality of life for all county residents.
Working for the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office for over 30 years, Hinkley has served in numerous areas and critical leadership roles, including patrol, corrections, court-transport security, detective bureau, supervision, policy development, training, major crime scene investigations, vehicular homicide investigations, grant writing, crime scene supervision, and development of operational procedures.
Hinkley is also an Adjunct Instructor at Kellogg Community College and Kalamazoo Valley Community College Police Academies.
Hinkley serves on several local advisory committees, including the Calhoun County Consolidated Dispatch Authority Chair and on the local Mental Health Authority Summit Pointe Board of Directors.
Hinkley attended Michigan State University, University of North Florida Police Technology and Management, Northwestern Center for Public Safety, and Jackson and Lansing Community Colleges.