The Detroit Regional Chamber strives to promote a culture of staff engagement by supporting active participation in team building activities. Staff members who are engaged in team building activities have a higher job satisfaction rate, increased productivity, motivation and passion for quality, and perform better customer service. These qualities drive performance and results, which are important for business success.
Community relations and volunteerism is essential at the Chamber because it allows staff to increase awareness by becoming engaged in challenges facing the community. In addition, it helps build leadership and social skills. Staff members are given opportunities to volunteer their time and talents to diverse organizations by participating, networking, learning and engaging in outreach programs that align with the company’s mission and goals. This helps to establish effective partnerships with various organizations in the community.
By engaging in outreach programs, we receive education on the importance and benefits of volunteering. In addition, we are coached on how to volunteer, how to get involved and how to plan and organize activities and events. Staff members are allowed to volunteer during the work day and are encouraged to provide feedback to management and committees on their progress.
The Chamber takes pride in contributing to our community and supports programs and services to assist members of the community with meeting basic needs and support community vitality. Some of the programs and services the Chamber participates in are:
- Community food banks
- Housing and community development
- Special needs organizations
- Education awareness and work readiness
- Volunteer sponsorship efforts
- Disaster response and recovery
The Chamber actively incorporates community relations and volunteerism into its corporate identity.