The Detroit Regional Chamber is recognized by the business, government, and civic communities as a leader in regional collaboration, a key component of driving economic prosperity. Whether it is bringing together government leaders to work together on issues or regional stakeholders to drive initiatives, the Chamber plays a central role by acting as a platform for problem solving and uniting individuals to share ideas to impact Michigan’s economic growth, prosperity, and global automotive leadership.
Leading the Way in Regional Collaboration
A Regional Approach to Economic Prosperity
The Chamber is known for convening regional leaders to collaborate in new ways. The result is a shared, collaborative, transparent approach to drive economic prosperity, including the region’s most robust education and talent portfolio. In addition to its regional efforts, the Chamber operates MichAuto, Michigan’s only automotive cluster association, which is dedicated to growing, promoting, and retaining the state’s signature industry.
Rallying ‘Big Six’ Business Groups for Statewide Collaboration
Increasing collaboration across the state is a key priority at the Chamber. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis, the Chamber prioritized working collaboration between the business community and government to effectively protect public health and position the state for economic recovery.
This leadership included collaboration across the state among the “Big Six” business groups consisting of the Detroit Regional Chamber, Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, Lansing Regional Chamber, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Manufacturers Association, and Small Business Association of Michigan. In addition, the Chamber worked with other chambers and association partners throughout Michigan, including Business Leaders for Michigan.
Detroit Regional Talent Compact
The Detroit Regional Talent Compact brings together stakeholders from business, philanthropy, government, and K-12 and higher education to accomplish two goals: increase the postsecondary attainment rate to 60% and reduce the racial equity gap by half by 2030.
Through the Talent Compact, the Detroit Regional Chamber is bringing together the business and education community to develop Detroit as a city with systems, policies, and resources that allow every resident to access and succeed in postsecondary education, leading to careers that fill our region’s talent needs while allowing our citizens to earn a family-sustaining wage and contribute to the economic and social well-being of our communities.
Pure Michigan Business Connect
Pure Michigan Business Connect (PMBC) is a public-private initiative created to uncover and develop new business opportunities and support services for Michigan companies. This multifaceted program helps Michigan companies connect to new procurement and research and development opportunities through matchmaking summits and, a dynamic online marketplace with more than 11,000 registered Michigan companies.
Through its matchmaking summits, the program has managed more than 20 visits from global purchasers, netting more than $230 million in bid opportunities, and $17 million in contracts for Michigan companies. Additionally, PMBC has worked with some of Michigan’s largest purchasers to initiate in-state procurement pledges of $850 million.
Detroit Means Business
Detroit Means Business (DMB) is an organization dedicated to helping small businesses operate safely and successfully in Detroit. DMB serves as Detroit’s front door to entrepreneurial success and is dedicated to driving a strong small business community. DMB provides a variety of resources for Detroit small businesses including expert guidance, financial resources, navigation of city resources, mentorship opportunities, real estate guidance, and more.

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