Huel Perkins Headshot
Detroit Regional Chamber > Huel Perkins

Huel Perkins

Retired TV Anchor

After four decades in broadcasting, including 32 years in Detroit, Huel Perkins retired from Fox 2 News in 2022. During his career, he traveled the country with Nelson Mandela, followed Pope John Paul on his visit across the U.S., and interviewed Civil Rights icons, politicians, and business leaders.

Perkins was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Professional Journalists and has won three Emmy awards from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. He is a frequent host of the Macomb County Business Awards and has been involved in several discussions presented by the Detroit Regional Chamber.

Perkins now devotes his time to giving back to the community that has given him so much. Over the years, he has helped to raise millions of dollars for local charities, including the Detroit Public Schools Foundation, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the D.I.A, the Salvation Army, the Judson Center, the N-F Forward/Children’s Tumor Foundation, and the United Negro College Fund.

Over 60 civic and charitable organizations have recognized Perkins’s lifelong commitment to education and financial empowerment.