Polls & Surveys

Finley: 20 Years Later, Michigan Still Lacks Culture of Education
October 27, 2023This spring, the Detroit Regional Chamber conducted a poll of Michigan voters that revealed only about a quarter of them believe a…

Poll: A Quarter of Young Residents See Themselves Leaving Michigan
September 25, 2023Roughly a quarter of Michigan residents ages 18-29 see themselves living in another state in 10 years and nearly 1…

Survey: A Third of Young Residents Unsure if They’ll Stay in Michigan a Decade From Now
September 25, 2023More than a third of young residents don’t see themselves in Michigan or are unsure of staying in the state 10…

Study: Michiganders Under 30 Want Welcoming State
September 20, 2023The Detroit Regional Chamber and Business Leaders for Michigan today released findings of a new statewide poll to better understand…

2/3 of Young Michiganders See Themselves Living Here in 10 Years, Poll Finds
September 20, 2023Nearly two-thirds of young Michiganders in the state say they see themselves living here 10 years from now, according to…

Survey: 1 in 4 Young Adults Expect to Leave Michigan Within 10 Years
September 20, 2023More than a quarter of Michigan’s young adults expect to move out of the state within the next decade, according…

Rick Haglund: Want to Interest More Young People in Auto Jobs? Don’t Call Them Auto Industry Jobs.
August 7, 2023Michigan Advance Aug, 6, 2023 Rick Haglund Michigan is striving to become the nation’s leader in the development and manufacturing…

Gallup’s Camille Lloyd Unveils the Gallup Center on Black Voices Detroit Resident Voices Survey Report
June 1, 2023The Detroit Regional Chamber and the Gallup Center on Black Voices released the Detroit Resident Voices Survey, highlighting Detroiters’ daily…

Nearly Half of Young Michigan Residents Expect They Might Leave State, Poll Shows
May 26, 2023Michigan voters are conflicted about the economy, and one in four younger residents think they will be living elsewhere in…

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