Detroit Regional Chamber > Advocacy > Detroit Regional Chamber PAC 2024 Bipartisan General Election Endorsements

Detroit Regional Chamber PAC 2024 Bipartisan General Election Endorsements

September 26, 2024

Today, the Detroit Regional Chamber’s Political Action Committee (PAC) announced its bipartisan endorsements for the November 2024 general elections in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Michigan House of Representatives, and the Detroit Public Schools Community District Board. With these selections, the Chamber PAC continues its commitment to endorsing a bipartisan, balanced slate of candidates that support policies that maintain a thriving regional and statewide business community.

The Chamber will make a separate statement at a later date regarding the U.S. Senate seat.

Brad Williams

“With the Chamber’s recent polling with the Glengariff Group showing eroding confidence in democracy, it is more important than ever for businesses to encourage secure elections, informed civic engagement, and trustworthy government. The Chamber embraces that responsibility as Michigan’s largest bipartisan advocate for business in government and with its PAC endorsements for the November general election. The slate of candidates endorsed today reflects the consensus opinion of the bipartisan Chamber PAC Board of Directors and comprises exceptional publicly engaged business leaders who represent our members’ needs and for whom Michiganders can be proud to vote.”

– Brad Williams, Vice President of Political Affairs, Detroit Regional Chamber

U.S. House of Representatives 

1st Congressional District – Rep. Jack Bergman (R) 

“Congressman Jack Bergman is a tireless champion for the Great Lakes, veterans, and the upper Midwest’s economic vitality. His continued leadership will be valued in 2025,” said Williams. 

2nd Congressional District – Rep. John Moolenaar (R) 

“Congressman John Moolenaar has used his role on the powerful House Appropriations Committee to advocate for Michigan’s food and agriculture economy. Mid-Michigan is well represented by his leadership,” said Williams. 

4th Congressional District – Rep. Bill Huizenga (R) 

“The Chair of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the Financial Services Committee, Congressman Bill Huizenga, is guided by his conservative values while modeling the same bipartisan instincts that made former Congressman Fred Upton successful in Southwest Michigan for so many years,” said Williams.  

5th Congressional District – Rep. Tim Walberg (R) 

“The dean of the delegation and a member of the bipartisan Energy and Commerce Committee, Congressman Tim Walberg embodies bipartisanship by working across the aisle to get things done on broadband, Great Lakes, energy, and more,” said Williams. 

6th Congressional District – Rep. Debbie Dingell (D) 

“Congresswoman Debbie Dingell’s reputation for excellent public service precedes her. She brings an intimate understanding of the Detroit Region’s signature industry and business community to Washington and continues to serve us well,” said Williams. ”The Chamber values Congresswoman Dingell’s long-time partnership and support as a former Chamber Board of Directors member, her professional background in the automotive industry, and public service even beyond her time in Congress.”

7th Congressional District – Former State Sen. Curtis Hertel Jr. (D) 

“Sen. Curtis Hertel’s experience as a policymaker who finds the ‘spaces in between’ to ensure that Michigan can move forward is what the state needs in Washington,” Williams said. 

8th Congressional District – State Sen. Kristen McDonald Rivet (D) 

“Sen. Kristen McDonald Rivet brings valuable experience as a bipartisan policymaker and from the private sector that adds to her ability to understand employers’ needs,” Williams said.  

9th Congressional District – Rep. Lisa McClain (R) 

“Congresswoman Lisa McClain has effectively used her position as the Secretary of the Republican Study Committee to move forward Michigan’s interests and lead on issues like agriculture and financial services,” said Williams. “Congresswoman McClain is a strong representative of her constituents’ interests in Washington and ensures that their priorities intersect with those of the business community.” 

10th Congressional District – Rep. John James (R) 

“Congressman John James has proven to be one of the most effective and bipartisan members of the Michigan delegation, passing six pieces of legislation in his first term. He is also the first freshman appointed to the Energy and Commerce Committee since 2011. His leadership will be valuable to Michiganders for years to come,” Williams said. 

11th Congressional District – Rep. Haley Stevens (D)
“Congresswoman Haley Stevens is a fierce champion for her district, Michigan, and the auto industry, on which she is an expert. Her commonsense leadership continues to serve Oakland County well,” Williams said. “Michigan benefits from having a champion of next-generation innovation and the jobs that support that innovation in Congresswoman Stevens.” 

“Most Michigan voters have the opportunity to re-elect statewide policymakers who have already earned their support. This slate of endorsed candidates includes leaders who consistently demonstrate a willingness to meet Michigan’s moment and find solutions to our state’s challenges. The Chamber looks forward to their continued service.”  


– Brad Williams, Vice President of Political Affairs, Detroit Regional Chamber

Michigan House of Representatives

The Chamber PAC endorses 24 Democrats and 31 Republicans for the Michigan House of Representatives.  

Speaker of the House: 10th District – Rep. Joe Tate (D) 

House Minority Leader: 42nd District – Rep. Matt Hall (R)

Listed alphabetically by last name:Listed alphabetically by last name: 
21st District – Rep. Kelly Breen (D)60th District – Rep. Joseph Aragona (R) 
15th District – Rep. Erin Byrnes (D) 71st District – Rep. Brian BeGole (R) 
1st District – Rep. Tyrone Carter (D) 96th District – Rep. Timothy Beson (R) 
48th District – Rep. Jennifer Conlin (D) 97th District – Rep. Matthew Bierlein (R) 
3rd District – Rep. Alabas Farhat (D) 49th District – Rep. Ann Bollin (R) 
22nd District – Rep. Matt Koleszar (D) 30th District – Rep. William Bruck (R) 
25th District – Rep. Peter Herzberg (D) 86th District – Rep. Nancy DeBoer (R) 
18th District – Rep. Jason Hoskins (D) 107th District – Parker Fairbairn (R) 
2nd District – Rep. Tullio Liberati Jr. (D) 67th District – Rep. Phil Green (R) 
69th District – Rep. Jasper Martus (D) 19th District – Kevin Hammer (R) 
11th District – Rep. Donavan McKinney (D) 52nd District – Rep. Mike Harris (R) 
61st District – Rep. Denise Mentzer (D) 34th District – Nancy Jenkins-Arno (R) 
31st District – Rep. Reggie Miller (D) 93rd District – Tim Kelly (R) 
23rd District – Rep. Jason Morgan (D) 57th District – Rep. Tom Kuhn (R) 
70th District – Rep. Cynthia Neeley (D) 100th District – Rep. Tom Kunse (R) 
94th District – Rep. Amos O’Neal (D) 68th District – Rep. David Martin (R) 
24th District – Rep. Ranjeev Puri (D) 72nd District – Rep. Mike Mueller (R) 
58th District – Rep. Nate Shannon (D) 91st District – Rep. Pat Outman (R) 
87th District – Rep. Will Snyder (D) 90th District – Rep. Bryan Posthumus (R) 
19th District – Rep. Samantha Steckloff (D) 104th District – Rep. John Roth (R) 
76th District – Rep. Angela Witwer (D) 46th District – Rep. Kathy Schmaltz (R) 
13th District – Rep. Mai Xiong (D) 95th District – Rep. Bill G. Schuette (R) 
16th District – Rep. Stephanie Young (D) 85th District – Rep. Bradley Slagh (R) 
54th District – Rep. Donni Steele (R) 
62nd District – Rep.  Alicia St. Germaine (R) 
55th District – Rep. Mark Tisdel (R) 
88th District – Rep. Greg VanWoerkom (R) 
102nd District – Rep. Curtis VanderWall (R) 
39th District – Rep. Pauline Wendzel (R) 
59th District – Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R) 

Detroit Public Schools Community District Board

  • Toson Knight

  • Boyd White III 
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