2030 Strategic Plan

2030 Strategic Plan

Altering the Detroit Region’s current education attainment trajectory will take a concerted and coordinated effort

The Detroit Regional Talent Compact Strategic Plan is the guiding document and roadmap for the 2030 goal and developed by the Detroit Drives Degrees Leadership Council with assistance from the Education Strategy Group (ESG). The concrete priorities and strategies in the plan are informed by best practices across the nation and prioritized based on community will and need in order to eliminate systemic barriers to success, close racial attainment gaps, and prepare all Detroiters for meaningful work.

The vision is a Detroit with systems, policies, and resources that allow every resident to access and succeed in postsecondary education, leading to careers that fill the Region’s talent needs while allowing citizens to earn a family-sustaining wage and contribute to the economic and social well-being of their communities.

In preparing this plan, the Detroit Drives Degrees Leadership Council and ESG conducted a regional survey, reviewed current reports, analyzed publicly-available data, and facilitated workgroup meetings involving postsecondary institutional leaders, school and district administrators, nonprofit organizations, employers, philanthropists, and other representatives from the workforce system. The resulting master plan includes strategies in four priorities necessary to reach the goal: increase postsecondary access, improve postsecondary success, grow adult attainment, and ensure talent preparation.

Explore the Commitments Made by Compact Members

Education and Talent

Learn how the Chamber is supporting education and talent in the region.