Detroit Regional Chamber > Education & Talent > Detroit Drives Degrees > Detroit Drives Degrees Community College Collaborative

Detroit Drives Degrees Community College Collaborative

Grow Detroit Young Talent

What is D3C3?

The Detroit Drives Degrees Community College Collaborative (D3C3) is a regional initiative that supports the community college system in Southeast Michigan in increasing equitable access to educational opportunities, boosting graduation rates, and bolstering the regional college-to-career pipeline.

D3C3 provides community colleges with financial resources and technical assistance to implement collaborative regional strategies to improve educational opportunities and strengthen the talent pipeline. This work is designed to increase postsecondary attainment in Michigan to 60% and reduce the racial equity attainment gap by half by 2030.

Significant investment is being made to our community colleges and the Southeast Michigan community to engage in this transformational work. We are grateful to our partners, the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation and Ballmer Group, for supporting this work.

We also want to acknowledge and thank the Michigan Community College Association and Michigan College Access Network for their partnership in this important work.

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Overarching Goals of D3C3

The overarching goals of D3C3 are connected to the goals of Detroit Drives Degrees and Michigan’s Sixty by 30 office.

  • Increase the postsecondary attainment rate to 60% by 2030
  • Reduce the racial equity gap by half by 2030

Goal Tree

Updated D3C3 Goal Tree

View and download the Goal Tree here.

Collaborative Metrics and Priorities

• Increased and improved enrollment, persistence, graduation rates, and labor market outcomes

• Expansion of career and technical training and early credit opportunities like early middle college and dual enrollment

• Equitable pathways to jobs with family-sustaining wages

• Reduced equity gaps

Other Critical D3C3 Partners

CivicLab, National Institute for Student Success at Georgia State University, MichAuto, Michigan’s Sixty by 30 Office, Michigan Community College Association, Michigan College Access Network, Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation, Ballmer Group, Rocket Community Fund

Guiding Principles

  • Create student-ready colleges and systems.
  • Forge authentic partnerships with individual ownership but shared accountability.
  • Ensure racial equity isn’t a thing; it’s the thing.
  • Strengthen pathways to prosperity and family-sustaining wage attainment.
  • Improve employer engagement for stronger systems that lead to lasting, meaningful impact.
  • Implement strategies that support all Southeast Michigan students of today and the future.
  • Elevate the voices of those we serve.
  • Inclusivity at all levels.

Learn more about the Detroit Regional Chamber’s flagship education and talent programs.