Guiding Question

How can we work together to create an inclusive health care talent system that leads to good careers for current and returning K-12 to post-high school students, job seekers, and existing workers?

The Detroit Regional Health Care Talent Collaborative is made up of leaders in health systems, K-12 and higher education, and community-based organizations working together on innovative strategies to address the health care talent crisis in the Detroit Region.

Strategic Priorities

K-12 Pathways

Create clear, well-defined pathways from high school that provide career information, post-high school options, and support.

Career Progression

Establish programs that provide pathways and support for existing and new workers seeking career advancement in health care.


Partner with health care providers to develop short-term, skills-based microcredentials that guarantee entry-level jobs that can lead to advancement.

Health Care Collab

Join the Regional Health Care Talent Collaborative.

To learn how to get involved, contact Christi Taylor, Senior Director of Talent Initiatives.

Postsecondary Partners

Henry Ford College, Macomb Community College, Michigan State University, Oakland Community College, Oakland University, Schoolcraft College, University of Detroit – Mercy, Wayne County Community College District, and Western Governors University

Community Partners

CEO Talent Council, Detroit Drives Degrees, Detroit Promise, Detroit Regional Workforce Partnership, Mayor’s Workforce Development Board, Michigan Health Council, Michigan Workforce Training and Education Collaborative (MWTEC), NAF, Oakland Schools, University of Michigan School of Social Work, UPrep Schools, Urban Alliance, Wayne State University Michigan Area Health Education Center, Wellness Works, and Workforce Intelligence Network