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Chamber Membership Benefits

Join the Detroit Regional Chamber to build a stronger business, connect with prospective clients and resources, reduce the cost of doing business and be a part of a community of influencers.

Benefits of a Chamber membership vary by membership level and include events and networking opportunities and increase exposure.

Benefits by Membership Level:

General Membership

  • Building Connections: Exclusive opportunity to attend quarterly membership receptions with companies of all sizes and industries.
  • Member Events: Chamber members have access to half-day events each year featuring industry experts who discuss best practices, tools and tips, digital marketing, and talent retention.
    • Inside Membership: Members are invited to attend free, quarterly new member orientations to better understand the power of a Chamber membership.
    • Inside the CEO Mind: Inside the CEO Mind provides all-access sessions with regional thought leaders to help unlock the secrets to successful growth strategies.
  • Online Membership Directory: Receive a listing in the Chamber’s online member directory, which contains thousands of companies searchable by title, business, and keywords.
  • Chamber Publications: General members receive free copies of the Detroiter magazine. Members may also submit press releases and editorial content to be considered for publication in the magazine and/or the eDetroiter weekly electronic newsletter. In addition, members can share what is going on with their business by submitting an event to the Chamber’s online calendar.
  • Leveraging Relationships: As a Chamber member you have access to group purchasing power that significantly reduces your business expenses through the Chamber’s Business Solutions programs with Office Depot and WeWork. In addition, the Chamber has a strategic partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan that advocates on behalf of employers to advance a health care agenda centered on improving cost, quality, and access.

View a full breakdown of general member benefits.

Premier Membership

  • Building Connections: Chamber members have the exclusive opportunity to attend quarterly networking receptions showcasing local, state, and federal elected leaders and their key staff and network with companies of all sizes and industries. In addition, premier member executives are invited to attend Executive to Executive Breakfast series with Chamber executive and other VIP gatherings throughout the year.
  • Mackinac Policy Conference: Take part in the Chamber’s signature event to move Michigan forward and network with the state’s top business professionals, legislative leaders, corporate chief executive officers, entrepreneurs, and veteran regional champions.
  • Detroit Policy Conference: Gain access to the Detroit region’s business and community leaders, as discussion focuses on inspiring innovative solutions to encourage urban revitalization.
  • Online Membership Directory: Receive an enhanced listing in the Chamber’s online member directory, which contains thousands of companies searchable by title, business, and keywords.
  • Chamber Publications: Premier members receive 15 free copies of the Detroiter magazine and will receive an ad in an upcoming edition upon joining. Members may also submit press releases and editorial content to be considered for publication in the magazine and/or the eDetroiter weekly electronic newsletter.
  • Committees and Initiatives: Receive direct access to participate in a number of influential Chamber committees and policy initiatives in areas spanning talent, education, and advocacy.
  • Legislative Influence: Premier members have access to quarterly legislative briefing calls led by the Chamber’s government relations team.

View a full breakdown of premier member benefits.

Signature Membership

  • High-Level Networking: Members receive an invitation to attend three networking opportunities with the Detroit Regional Chamber’s Board of Directors annually, including a private reception during the industry preview days at the North American International Auto Show and a VIP reception at the State of the Region.
  • Mackinac Policy Conference: Take part in the Chamber’s signature event to move Michigan forward and network with the state’s top business professionals, legislative leaders, corporate chief executive officers, entrepreneurs, and veteran regional champions. Receive exclusive limited preferred Grand Hotel access at the Conference and an invitation to a signature member reception.
  • Detroit Policy Conference: Gain access to the Detroit region’s business and community leaders, as discussion focuses on inspiring innovative solutions to encourage urban revitalization.
  • Engagement and Participation: Senior management representative from signature member company has the exclusive opportunity to participate in the Chamber Advisory Council. Also, the highest-ranking individual is invited to start the nomination process for the Chamber Board of Directors.
  • Chamber Publications: Signature members receive 20 free copies of the Detroiter magazine. Members may also submit press releases and editorial content to be considered for publication in the magazine and/or the eDetroiter weekly electronic newsletter and monthly executive newsletter.
  • Committees and Initiatives: Receive direct access to participate in a number of influential chamber committees and policy initiatives in areas spanning talent, education, and advocacy.
  • Legislative Influence: Get introduced to lawmakers or heads of government agencies and receive customized advocacy consulting from the Chamber’s government relations team.

View a full breakdown of signature member benefits.

Join the Chamber

Join the Chamber to expand your customer base while cutting costs.

Plug into best-in-class research, news, and events. Be heard in government. Become a member of the Detroit Regional Chamber.

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