May 2024 Edition: Bridging the Future Together

The 2024 Mackinac Policy Conference Detroiter focuses on statewide and national leaders discussing the theme of “Bridging the Future Together” to inspire radical collaboration across divides. It explores how Michigan can prosper only when its leaders engage with mutual respect and build bridges to move forward − regardless of political party, industry, or geography.

Alicia Boler Davis

Alicia Boler Davis Working to Improve People’s Lives at Alto Pharmacy

As Chief Executive Officer of Alto Pharmacy, Alicia Boler Davis is having more than a second act – she took her nearly 25 years at General Motors to a stint at Amazon before making her third major career change at the startup online pharmacy.

Boler Davis says there are two constants in her life and work history: Her desire to challenge conventional ideas and to live with purpose by supporting and uplifting people. Read more.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer speaking at the 2023 Mackinac Policy Conference

Rising Above the Rhetoric: Michigan Can Bridge Divides Toward a More Prosperous Future

By Gretchen Whitmer, Governor, State of Michigan

Since its inception, the Mackinac Policy Conference has been a place where people from all sides come together to focus on the biggest challenges we face. Every year, I have the honor of addressing the conference. In my 2021 keynote, I talked about how we must listen and stay focused on solving pragmatic problems to close our political divide. In 2022, I laid out a vision for Michigan in 2100, and last year, I spoke about how we need a collaborative strategy to sustainably grow Michigan’s population and economy. At the center of these keynotes has been my core belief in building bridges. Read more.

sandy baruah

From the President: Michigan’s Path to a Growing Population

Over the last few years, the Detroit Regional Chamber has partnered with Richard Czuba’s Glengariff Group, Inc. on a series of statewide polls to gauge voters’ perceptions of issues ranging from views of political figures, their economic confidence, the broader economy, value of a college education, the move to electrified vehicles, and more.

Of all we have learned listening to Michiganders, one overriding theme is clear: We live in an age of misinformation. (I stole this perspective from Richard and I’m making it my own.)

Political polarization and tribalism have been growing since the 1990s, with a brief reprieve after 9/11. As we get our news (or opinion masquerading as news) from ever more slanted sources, it is no surprise that many view our side as “good” and the other side as “bad” and rarely take the time to pressure test our own assumptions. Read more.

About the Detroiter Magazine

The Detroiter magazine is published by the Detroit Regional Chamber and pushes the boundaries when it comes to business news. It delivers timely content that raises thought-provoking questions in order to advance business and the Detroit Region to attain a healthy, competitive, and sustainable future.

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