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Chamber Polling & Surveys

Polling and Surveys

The Detroit Regional Chamber is a premier source of business-focused research and data.

To capture the latest sentiments of the regional and statewide business community and better understand its members’ needs, the Chamber regularly conducts polls and surveys on top issues.

Since 2020, the Chamber has partnered with Glengariff Group Inc. to conduct recurring polls of registered Michigan voters on timely economic issues like inflation, COVID-19’s impact on business, political sentiment, among others. Additional past studies and surveys have been conducted with partners like Business Leaders for Michigan and Dykema.

These polls and surveys provide employers of all sizes and types a clearer picture of employees’ mindsets while providing decision-makers key insight into how residents and businesses feel or are reacting to key events and trends.

Fall 2024 Michigan Voter Poll graphic

View the Poll Findings and Full Analysis

The Detroit Regional Chamber recently released its latest poll of 600 registered Michigan voters conducted by the Glengariff Group. The poll was conducted between Sept. 12-15, 2024.

This poll marks a watershed understanding of the challenges both policymakers and business leaders face: too many are not interested in adapting to economic realities. The results point to a clear disconnect between Michigan voters’ interests and their intentions.

Though most voters support developing an advanced technology economy, many are not willing to do the work to bring it to fruition – evident in their reluctance to embrace new technologies or pursue the higher levels of education required to support those jobs. Continue reading.


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