Detroit Regional Chamber > Chamber > Recap: Sandy K. Baruah Guest Hosts ‘Focus’ on WJR 760 AM

Recap: Sandy K. Baruah Guest Hosts ‘Focus’ on WJR 760 AM

June 20, 2024

On June 20, Chamber President and Chief Executive Officer Sandy K. Baruah took over the WJR 760 AM radio waves as guest host of Focus, interviewing several prominent business and government leaders, including Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI 9), Michigan Central’s Josh Sirefman, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, The Glengariff Group’s Richard Czuba, and Gallup Center on Black Voices’ Camille Lloyd.

Hear what the interviewees had to say below.

Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI 9): Finding Bipartisanship in Polarizing Times

“If you get the cameras out of the way, if you get the microphones out of the way, if you get the media out of the way, it’s a very different scene.” There are issues out there that are bipartisan that people will agree on, but don’t get as much attention as they should.

Josh Sirefman, Chief Executive Officer, Michigan Central: Innovations at Newlab and Michigan Central

“[Michigan Central] is a real community of innovation, of exploration.” Sirefman’s vision for Michigan Central is for it to be an anchor to draw Detroiters and visitors to the city to collaborate and be part of the innovation.

Richard Czuba, Founder, The Glengariff Group: The Era of Misinformation

“Only two-thirds of Michigan voters were able to agree that democracy is the best form of government for Michigan…Democracy is a fragile thing…unless you nurture it, unless you protect it, it’s in danger.”

Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State, State of Michigan: Election Safety

“A strong economy requires a strong democracy.” Michigan Business United for Elections will help ensure citizens statewide know how to vote and are confident in the election process.

Camille Lloyd, Director, Gallup Center on Black Voices: Detroit Resident Voices Survey

Lloyd says the Gallup Center on Black Voices is a “listening machine” to understand the perceptions of Black Americans regarding the justice system, jobs, work, economic opportunities, health, and well-being. Since July 2020, 52% of those surveyed consider their lives as thriving.

Read the first Detroit Resident Voices Survey.

Glenn Stevens Jr., Executive Director, MichAuto; Vice President of Automotive and Mobility Initiatives, Detroit Regional Chamber: Attracting Talent During EV Transition

“When it comes to developing products, it’s going to be done where the talent is. That’s why it’s imperative for Michigan to grow talent here … and give [these companies] a reason to move here. We need more software talent now.”

Colin Bird, Consul General of Canada in Detroit, U.S.: Impact of EVs on US/Canada Trade

[Gordie Howe International Bridge] is going to be a gamechanger…It really tells the rest of the world that we are open for business here. We have underinvested in our infrastructure for a couple of decades, but you can’t say that anymore.”

Learn more about the Gordie Howe International Bridge and the Chamber’s involvement.

Sarah Cook, President, Automotive Hall of Fame: This Year’s Inductees to the Automotive Hall of Fame

“On inductee John James Sr., Cook says, “He opened up commercial trucking to minorities and is just a relentless advocate…a fantastic leader for Detroit and beyond.”